Origin of Thought
I think a large portion of life is confusion. The brain is good at compiling confusion, and repurposing that – reorganizing, if you will. For me, that is where plans come from. I am a planner by nature. My mother was the ultimate planner. She would obsess over every detail of everything it seemed like when we were kids. All the parties, all the trips, etc. That constant pressure engrained into my mind the need for a constant plan. Now, I am not saying that is a good or a bad thing truly. However, it molded me into who I am, and perhaps guided, subconsciously, every major decision that I have made. I am now the planner. I try to have a plan for everything that hits my desk- whether it be a plan at work, a new budget at home, a new travel idea with the family, or simply a night out with my wife. Many of these plans have worked out perfectly, and some have obviously drastically failed.
You see, childhood was not easy for us, and yet it was always so easy to be a kid. My mom had all the plans made, and just directed on where and how to move. It was a carefree life, although there were many things of concern. We did not have much financial resource. The middle of my adolescence coincided with the 2008 Great Recession, where my family lost the main source of income for our household. For many years we toiled with the ideas of financial ruin, while also enjoying the small things in life. Looking back, I can remember many days where our time was spent doing activities that were very near free. Hikes to various waterfalls in the region, hunting for things in the woods, exploring downtown areas and “window shopping” was a few of the things I look back on as simple, yet formative things that my parents would do with us to spend time. One thing for young parents to understand is this: Your children will remember the time you spent with them far more than they will remember the things that you bought them. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Focus on being present, truly present for your kids, in all situations. You will see very quickly how it affects both the children as well as yourself, in a very positive way.
These are all origins of my thoughts. I drown in thoughts. My mind races like the great horses flying around the tracks of Kentucky. Whether it be about my children, finances, work, upcoming travel, etc, etc, etc. I am always thinking. Sometimes I think about all of the ideas that kids encounter, that are immediately whisked away as “Things Adults Do/Say”. Then inevitably, as an adult, we encounter those ideas a second time, watch that show and see the weird thing for the second time, hear a similar joke that we had forgotten about a second time. Yet, this time the meaning hits your brain different. This time you understand things and have ideas that were previously foreign to you. I want this blog to be a help in that exact area. I want young people to read and learn, avoid mistakes that your parents told you about, but did not explain in enough detail to you, or in a way that your brain could organize into the correct category. If I can help one young male out there to become a better father, husband, employee, etc. That is my goal. Life is unendingly difficult to navigate. Daily there are a barrage of thoughts that hit the human mind. I want to help organize those, especially for the young males of the world.
This is not going to be a normal blog, this will be organic thoughts that I sit down and type out. I want to dig into my thoughts deeper. I truly believe that buried inside my brain are the words that can ignite a generation of successful adults, but thoughtful parents as well. Having successfully, (so far) raised 3 children, I am fluent in the ins and outs of parenting. I understand all the pains. All the sleepless nights, all the worries, all the financial stresses, all the running back and forth, trying to find a sitter, Doctor and dentist appointments, dance class, gymnastics, etc. You name it, we have done it. And will continue to do so as my children are still young. I will continue to learn and grow, as I am also young and dynamic in my life and career. Hell, we literally just moved away from our hometown. Perhaps this major life shift has forced my brain to sit down and write out all of the things that I am thinking. I am not a huge Social Media person. I rarely post and I kind of worry about the implications of social media platforms on the minds of young people and what a destruction it is at times. Yet, I completely understand the value of socials and how they have positively contributed to the world that we live in now.
Truly, I want to write and talk about everything. I love to talk to people, and express my ideas. I also just simply love to listen to people, ask them questions about their lives, present new ideas that maybe they have not thought of, and discuss with them thoughtfully. Although much of this blog will be me typing or talking, I want to hear from you out there, truly. Not as a way to drive internet traffic, but as a way of discussing the hard things in life. I want you to learn from me, and I want to learn from you. I know that the millions of people in the country, and all over the world have so many things to contribute, and yet in this modernized world I feel like I am hearing from less people than ever before. Human nature is to express language. Many people believe that language is what drove humans to rise above and evolve at a much faster rate than all other animals, and I believe that an increase of true communication of thoughts is a piece that is becoming bigger than ever, and sometimes still feels smaller than ever. Perhaps that means we are all thinking similar things, or it means not enough people are talking.
I am not even sure any of this made sense, but I will improve with time. I see this as something that few people will read, so I really am trying to let the insecurities of perfection fly out the window, and just say what is on my mind. If you think you will enjoy this continued content, consider giving me a follow. The plan is to post content on all sorts of different things. I am a researcher as well, so some of these posts will be backed by research depending on what I am discussing. Some will be how to guides, some will just be a post that shows off some of the travel that we did, and how I planned every detail of the trip for optimization of where we are going to be.
One more thing – I am interested in speaking to YOU! Anyone who is interested in sitting down with me whether it be a recorded podcast, a simple coffee or lunch, or email correspondence.
[email protected] is the best way to contact me. It is my primary email that I have used for basically my entire life, please reach out to me via this medium for now.

Now time for a shameless plug of my incredible Mother’s product Dream Scents by Denna. These are soy wax candles that she makes in a gazillion scents. She has candles, tarts, and occasionally does other wax related items for sale. You can find her at all the local crafty get togethers, local town functions, and any other selling opportunity she can find. She will ship to all 50 states as well! Check her out at Dream Scents by Denna on Facebook or send her a message any time at [email protected]. Oh, I forgot to mention, don’t forget she literally has an unbeatable price. $5 candles, $3 tarts. Thats it! Click off this and head to her page today!
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